Ethics and Governance

Ethics and Governance
Research Governance
Child and Adolescent Health Service Research Education Program
Presented by Katherine Coltrona

This seminar focuses on the general principles and responsibilities related to research governance and provides practical tips for preparation of governance applications. Covers recent changes to national governance frameworks (2022).

Source / Format
  • Recorded Webinar, 60 mins, slides handout. The link goes to the Research Education page. Click on "Seminars" (R-hand side of the page), then scroll to the "Library of Seminar Recordings", then click on "Research Governance". Complete the short RedCap survey, submit it, then choose the recording and/or slides handout.
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Ethics and Governance
How to Make Clinical Research Ethical by Design
Child and Adolescent Health Service Research Education Program
Presented by Nik Zeps

Ethics in research is often perceived as a bureaucratic hurdle to be struggled over. This seminar will instead cover how to embrace ethics as a powerful tool that can ensure research is relevant and will meet its end point. This seminar will empower researchers to fulfill their obligations more easily, ensuring public trust in their work.

Source / Format
  • Recorded Webinar, 60 mins, slides handout. The link goes to the Research Education page. Click on "Seminars" (R-hand side of the page), then scroll to the "Library of Seminar Recordings", then click on "Ethical Principles for Research (2019)". Complete the short RedCap survey, submit it, then choose the recording and/or slides handout.
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Ethics and Governance
Ethics and Governance
Western Alliance

Western Alliance discuss the difference between quality assurance and research, lists triggers for consideration of ethical review, levels of ethics oversight, preparing and submitting an ethics application, key contacts in the Western region, codes and policies for research ethics.

Source / Format
  • Reading, with links
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Ethics and Governance
Social Sciences Ethics Training
Macquarie University

This free educational resource examines the particular ethical issues raised by social science and humanities research. The training module is divided into 6 basic parts. You can start and stop reading at any point in the module, and you can close it and return to it later. After you have reviewed the entire module, there is a quiz that tests your comprehension of the material.

Source / Format
  • Online Ethics Training Module.
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Ethics and Governance
Ethics Decision Tool
Health Translation Queensland

The aim of this decision tool is to assist in navigating through the jurisdictional and organisational differing processes for the submission of a Human Research Ethics Application (HREA). It will assist in the understanding of National Mutual Acceptance (NMA) and forming a submission strategy. It does not inform on individual organisation’s ethics review process and submission dates.

Source / Format
  • Interactive tool online
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Ethics and Governance
Ethical conduct in research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities: Guidelines for researchers and stakeholders 2018 & Keeping research on track II 2018
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)

The Guidelines Framework shows how all of the relevant research guidelines in Australia are linked and provide the framework for how researchers and participants should be working together on research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and communities. Adherence to these guidelines will be a requirement of the NHMRC funding agreement.

Source / Format
  • PDF
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Ethics and Governance
Code of Ethics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research (the AIATSS Code)

The AIATSIS Code respects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander values and worldviews, acknowledging the wisdom and diversity of Indigenous knowledge systems. When announcing the review of the AIATSIS guidelines, then AIATSIS Council Chair, Professor Michael McDaniel, said that engaging ethically means many things but ultimately it is about respect and honour.

Source / Format
  • Code and Guide to Applying Code PDF
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Ethics and Governance
Ethical Considerations in Research: Types and Examples

Comprehensive introduction to ethics in research, with step by step instructions, examples and templates.

Source / Format
  • Reading, links, videos, examples
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Ethics and Governance
ChatGPT Utility in Healthcare Education, Research, and Practice: Systematic Review on the Promising Perspectives and Valid Concerns by Malik Sallim
Healthcare (Basel) Journal
Presented by Malik Sallim

The potential applications of LLMs in health care education, research, and practice could be promising if the associated valid concerns are proactively examined and addressed. The current systematic review aimed to investigate the utility of ChatGPT in health care education, research, and practice and to highlight its potential limitations.

Source / Format
  • Online journal article
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Ethics and Governance
ChatGPT in Research: Balancing Ethics, Transparency and Advancement
Neuroscience Journal
Presented by Akseli Graf & Rick E Bernadi

Highlights in this article about the ethics of using AI in research include the 3 points: 1. LLMs like ChatGPT will become progressively more present in the scientific field. 2. The use of ChatGPT has many implications in terms of use and misuse. 3. The scientific field should discuss how to best integrate this emerging technology.

Source / Format
  • Online journal article
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Ethics and Governance
Generative AI
Curtin University

Generative artificial intelligence (Gen-AI) is a form of artificial intelligence where computer programs use sets of data and information to create new content based on data patterns, context, probability and human feedback. Gen-AI can produce text (ChatGPT, etc.), images (DALL-E, Midjourney, etc. ), summarise research (Elicit) and more. This site explores how to use Gen-AI; what it can be used for; when its use is appropriate; how to reference it in your research; and refers to further links for information.

Source / Format
  • Reading, links for further information
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Ethics and Governance
National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2007, updated 2018, NHMRC
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)

The National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) (National Statement 2007), and as updated, consists of a series of guidelines made in accordance with the National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992.

Source / Format
  • Website, guidelines series
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Ethics and Governance
The National Clinical Trials Governance Framework
Australian Commission on Quality and Safety in Healthcare

To support the delivery of high-quality clinical trial services the Commission has developed the National Clinical Trials Governance Framework on behalf of all jurisdictions in collaboration with the Australian Government Department of Health.

Source / Format
  • Reading, User Guide
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